Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 9

I coaxed this smile out of Josiah while the kids played at the park after Good News Club


TAB said...

I just thinks he's so cute!

Laurel said...

Me too! And he's a sweetie, too. He asked me this afternoon if I need him to stay home from Good News Club to take care of me!

Laurie said...

He has a sweet smile. Does he have some features like your mom?

Laurel said...

Yes, Laurie, he does! I'm so thrilled you noticed. Josiah is definitely the Blessing in whom my side of the family appears more strongly. I think Stephen will be that way as well.

Genene said...

How sweet of Josiah to want to take care of you. The familial resemblances are so pronounced in several of the blessings. Glad your side is evident in a couple. =}
Love you and pray you will get well soon.Mama